We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia as the traditional owners of the lands we live and work on.

We pay our respects to Elders past and present who continue to hold and carry deep connections to Country, culture, community and story. Sovereignty has never ceded.

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Men's behaviour change

We offer programs designed to help men engage in changing their behaviour.

Room4Change Program

The Room4Change Program is a free 30-week behaviour change program for men who want to stop their use of violence and controlling behaviours.

This program provides an environment to help participants think about the impacts of their behaviour, and to learn how to build safe, respectful and healthy relationships.

Our practitioners deliver weekly group and one-on-one sessions to address problems that might contribute to violent behaviour, encourage participants to take responsibility and help them to develop effective strategies to change their behaviour.

Room4Change participants can choose to either stay in their own home or live in one of our fully equipped residences. Men who choose to live in one of our Room4Change residences have their own fully furnished bedroom, access to a fully equipped kitchen and share a bathroom with up to two other men who are also part of the program. If you choose to live in one of our residential homes, there will be a small fee that is calculated on a sliding scale proportional to income.

Through the Room4Change Program, we offer support to the participant's partner/s and children (if they choose to engage) who have been affected by or are at risk because of the participant's behaviour. This support is given through our Partner Support Program. The program runs separately and is voluntary, alongside the men's program.

Ongoing support is also available to men and their families once they have completed the program.

Caring dads

There is an option for participants in the Room4Change program to join an additional 17 week group for fathers called Caring Dads. This program further helps men to understand and prioritise their children’s needs and develop healthy parenting strategies. Participants are assessed for suitability to complete this program.

Contact us

Call our 24/7 crisis line on 02 62 800 900 to access our free Room4Change program or alternatively email room4change@dvcs.org.au.

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