DVCS takes meaningful action towards building and maintaining positive relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island People.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) sits alongside our strategic plan which highlights that our commitment to reconciliation is at the forefront of our work and our engagement with community. It is a symbol of our accountability in strengthening partnerships and improving the way we deliver services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
DVCS launched our Reflect RAP to reflect the changing landscape of our sector and the communities we work alongside. Developed with our staff, board and Reconciliation Australia, it is a roadmap for implementing lasting change.
Please read more about our commitment and the practical activities we will undertake that will keep us accountable on our reconciliation journey at DVCS.
The artwork is by Ngunnawal woman Lynnice Church whos connections extend across Ngunnawal, Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi Country on both her mother’s and father’s sides. She places great importance on raising the profile of First Nations culture, values and beliefs through her work, ensuring that Ngunnawal stories are told with appropriateness and integrity.
The artwork focuses on the strength of women and acknowledges the strength and resilience of the Aboriginal women and children DVCS supports. The artwork symbolises the importance of connection and collaboration with community-controlled organisations, in recognition that DFV requires us all to work together.