Technology facilitated abuse can be used by a perpetrator to isolate, intimidate, harass, threaten or stalk someone.
This can involve threats to share or sharing private photos without consent, accessing personal messages or social media accounts, controlling your friendships on social media, and sending hurtful messages online or via phone.
There are ways to keep safe if you are concerned someone might be monitoring you through technology.
Technology facilitated abuse can include threats to share or sharing private photos without consent, accessing messages or social media accounts, controlling your friends on social media and sending hurtful messages online or via phone.
There are ways to keep safe if you are concerned someone might be monitoring you through technology.
For more information, you can visit these websites: Wesnet or eSafetyWomen.
If you need to talk to someone call our 24/7 crisis phone line on 02 62 800 900.
Contact us