We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia as the traditional owners of the lands we live and work on.

We pay our respects to Elders past and present who continue to hold and carry deep connections to Country, culture, community and story. Sovereignty has never ceded.

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A group of people walking together in protest to raise awareness about domestic and family violence.


Our commitment to advocacy for action

At DVCS, all of our services are guided by research and advocacy, reflecting our commitment to evidence-based practice, education and awareness raising. Our advocacy efforts focus on creating positive, informed changes in public policy.

We work closely with funding organisations, peak bodies, government agencies, and other service providers across Australia. Through detailed reports, submissions and collaborative partnerships we advocate for reforms that address the social and cultural factors that contribute to domestic, family, and intimate partner violence and abuse.

Submissions & statements

Learn more about how DVCS advocates for sustainable and purposeful change and reform by providing submissions to inquiries across a number of jurisdictions.


Read our research and reports that inform policy change on issues related to domestic, family and sexual violence.

There are currently no reports.


Explore the advocacy campaigns we develop and support, as well as the positive changes we are striving to achieve in collaboration with our partners and the community.

There are currently no campaigns.