DVCS Client Stories
From time to time media or other organisations request the voice of someone with lived experience of family, domestic or intimate partner violence.
DVCS is able to call on clients who are willing to speak with media or at functions. Some of our speakers require the use of a pseudonym and/or a de-identified photo. We will work with you in this regard.
Please note, all speaking engagements attract a fee – which is in recognition of the time our clients take off from work and the psychological expense they go to in order to share their story.
If you are a member of the media, please contact our Community Development and Engagement Manager at community@dvcs.org.au.
If you are an organisation that wishes to engage a speaker, please contact our Community Development and Engagement Manager at community@dvcs.org.au, with a minimum of one month’s notice.
Please note we will always do our best to facilitate a speaker, but due to the very nature of what speakers have experienced, it is not always possible. We thank you for your understanding.