Men — Room4Change
this program is for men who want to stop using violence and controlling behaviours. If you are a man who is or has been subjected to domestic and family violence and is seeking support please see our crisis intervention and legal support and advocacy services.
What we do
Our Room4Change program is a program for men who want to stop their use of violence and controlling behaviours and build healthy, respectful relationships.
The Room4Change program comprises a 30 week Men’s Behaviour Change group along with individual sessions. Those who complete the behaviour change group also have the option to then take part in a 17-week group for fathers called Caring Dads. Caring Dads helps fathers to recognise and prioritise their children’s needs and use healthy parenting strategies.
How we help
Our team is committed to helping men make their own lives better by stopping their use of violence. We help men to explore what is important for them and their current and future relationships. Participants attend group sessions each week and receive one on one support and assistance; this includes help with problems that might contribute to violent behaviour such as employment or financial troubles and drug and alcohol abuse.
We also offer support and assistance to a participant’s current partner and children.
Room4Change participants can choose to stay in their own home or to live in one of our fully equipped residences. During the program, participants are able, and encouraged, to continue their employment, usual activities and relationships with family and friends. Men who choose to live in one of our Room4Change residences have their own fully furnished bedroom, access to a fully equipped kitchen and share a bathroom with up to two other men who are also part of the program.
Ongoing support is also available to men and their families once they have completed the program.
What does it cost
If you chose to live in one of our residential homes, you will incur a fee which is calculated on a sliding scale. Otherwise, everything else is free of charge
Contact us
To access our Room4Change services call our 24/7 crisis telephone line 02 6280 0900. If it isn’t urgent another contact option is to email; this email is only monitored during business hours.
We do not make any sound recordings of our conversations. You do not need to give us your name, but if you do we make notes that we spoke to you. If you are unsure, please let us know at the start of the call and we can tell you about our confidentiality policy.