If it is non-urgent you can email crisis@dvcs.org.au.
To contact us urgently, please call our 24/7 crisis line on 02 62 800 900.
PO Box 1922, Fyshwick ACT 2609
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We take all complaints seriously and will do our best to help you.
To promote the safety of our employees and clients please do not include our street address on any subpoenas or requests for client information.
We prefer to accept service of subpoenas for via email. If this is not possible, please send all subpoenas to PO BOX 1922, Fyshwick ACT 2609.
DVCS requires a production time of subpoenas of 14 business days to produce documents pursuant to a subpoena. This is 14 days between the date of receipt and the date of production.
DVCS requests the standard amount of $30.00 be provided for all subpoenas. If this fee is likely to be greater, we will contact you prior to incurring it.