Who We Are

DVCS is a non-government, not-for-profit specialist domestic and family violence service that seeks to reduce violence and abuse in relationships. We provide crisis and long-term support services to help break the domestic and family violence cycle. We are here to support people, both during and after crisis situations.

What we do

Our purpose is to:

  • Provide crisis intervention, support services and legal advocacy for people affected by domestic and family violence.
  • Challenge the structural and systemic forces that can lead to domestic and family violence.
  • Promote a culture of respect and non-violence.
  • Work collaboratively with government and relevant agencies.
  • Provide education and information about reducing domestic and family violence.
  • Promote and embody leading practice in policy and programs.
  • Initiate and participate in data collection and research.

Who we support

We provide services and support across the Canberra community to:

  •  Anyone—children, young people, adults—who is experiencing, or has experienced, domestic and family violence.
  • Men who want to stop using violence and controlling behaviours.
  • Family, friends, colleagues, neighbours seeking to support someone.
  • Local community groups, medical and allied health professionals, educators and managers/supervisors interested in training and education.

Our services

Our services include a 24/7 telephone crisis counselling service, access to emergency accommodation, help with legal and court matters, support programs and training and education. For further information click on the relevant link below:

Our history

DVCS began providing services to the Canberra community in 1988. While our initial focus was primarily on crisis intervention, we have grown and evolved over 30 years into a holistic provider of domestic and family violence support services. Further information on our history and evolution is contained in the 2016 report,